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Twisted Signals:

Class Projects

This hand-controlled feedback-instrument is one iteration in a lifelong quest to make music with feedback. 

The instrument itself is a set of 8 interconnected modules. 

Each module is a band-passed, karplus-strong resonator with a compressor in the delay network to keep the feedback near self-oscillation.  I used the input from the mic on my MacBookPro to excite the resonators and cause the system to feed back at tuned intervals. The LeapMotion controller is feeding data about the position of my hands to the patch to control the volumes of the tuned modules.  Think of it like a harp where the strings are made out of air.  


A note for if you download or loot at my patch: 

I was using Wekinator to track the motion, but in future iterations, i think there's a MAX object that streams LeapMotion data.  

This was a funny test drive of an instrument I was controlling with my body.  I think i made this to test using the Xbox 360 for musical control.  A prelude to Sonic Limb.  

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