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Neighbors, a Fair Trade Agreement 

By Bernardo Cubria
The Studio Theatre Tierra Del Sol

Director: Nathaniel Neimi | Scenic Design: Kenneth Constant | Costume Design: Monica Titus | Sound Design: Nick Erickson | Lighting Design: David Krupla 

Cast: Alejandro Guevares, Kevin McKillip


PC Brian Sumner

Selection of sound design from NEIGHBORS: A FARI TRADE AGREEMENT by Bernardo Cubria, produced at the Studio Theater Tierra Del Sol in 2019.

This is a clown show about two neighbors across a creek from one another, who enter into a business agreement when they discover "energy" (an analog for oil) on one of their properties. The sounds you're hearing are the sounds of the extraction machine. Since this play is based in clowning, I wanted to give the machine a cartoonish, anthropomorphized character. The machine would burp as it pollutes the air, and throw temper tantrums when it overheats.


PC Brian Sumner

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