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Cock (the Cockfight Play)

Written by Mike Bartlett
Performed at Pittsburgh Playwrights Theatre

by Kinetic Theatre Company

PC Stephanie Strasburg

For this play about grappling with identity, I wanted to create an overwhelming crush of messages from all sides that combine to create who we are. To do this, I sourced snippets of sound from the year the play was written, the year it was first produced, the year of our current production, callouts to every film or song referenced in the play, and things suggested by my collaborators in rehearsal and crammed them all into the medium of a channel surfing AM radio.

Director: Andrew Paul | Scenic Design: John Michael Bohach | Lighting Design: Alex Stevens | Costume Design: Julianne D'Errico |  Sound Design: Nicholas Erickson | Stage Manager: Kevin McConville | Technical Director: Alex Barnhart | 

PC Stephanie Strasburg

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